Davis, Oklahoma

Davis Public Library

Contact Us

Davis Public Library
209 E Benton Ave, Davis, OK 73030

Phone (580) 369-2468

Fax (580) 369-3290

E-mail: davis@southernoklibrarysystem.org

Jonathan Edwards, Branch Manager

Call about Library Programs!


Monday - Thursday
11:30 AM - 5:30 PM
11:30 AM - 2:30 PM
10:00 AM - 1:00 PM


Turn north at the only street light in downtown Davis and go one block north. The library is on the west side.

Events and Resources

Summer Reading Kick Off Party - Davis Public Library

Summer Reading Kick Off Party

For Kids and Teens
Bring your family and friends to the Davis Public Library for a Summer Reading Kick Off Party on Thursday, May 25th at 2:00 PM. Youth will be able to put their own spin on making sushi candy using rice crispies treats and other candies. Children and teens are welcome to attend. Supplies are limited, sign up is required.
For Adults 18 and Up
Join others at the Davis Public Library’s book club on Tuesday, June 20th at 6:00 PM. Conversation, fellowship, and refreshments will be centered on popular book titles for adults to discuss. This month’s book, “The Night She Disappeared” by Lisa Jewell will be discussed.
Asian style background with gold, red and cream with two cartoon people performing Tai Chi. Tai Chi class at Davis Public Library.

Tai Chi Class

Every Tuesday and Thursday
Looking for an exercise that improves strength, balance, and helps reduce stress? The Davis Public Library is continuing to offer Tai Chi for adults and seniors. Classes are offered each week on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 10:00 a.m. For adults and seniors.
Every Thursday
Game night is the perfect way to bring the thrill of an all-out magical battle to your friends and family all in one convenient box. Fans of Magic the Gathering are invited to the Davis Public Library every Thursday at 6:00 PM to participate in this popular competition. In addition to this popular card game, the library will also have board games available for everyone to play. Have a board game you would like to play with others? The library also encourages patrons to bring their own board games. Who knows, you might make some new friends along the way. This program is free and open to the public.