Policies & Guidelines

Internet Policy

The mission of the Southern Oklahoma Library System (SOLS) is to provide informational resources in a variety of formats for the diverse communities served by the library. In support of SOLS’ mission, the advances in technology and the changing needs of the community, the Southern Oklahoma Library System provides access to computer equipment, programs, databases, and the Internet – collectively known as “electronic resources.”

The Policy and Guidelines are designed to maximize availability of electronic resources, to ensure fair accessibility for all, and to provide an open, family-oriented environment for the use of the library’s resources. In compliance with the Children’s Internet Protection Act, Public Law 106-554, Title XVII, SOLS has implemented technology protection measures which filter all computers’ access to the Internet.

Use of library computers shall be for or in support of research, educational, professional and/or personal development. Public access computer workstations provide access to resources available through the Internet and to software applications for educational programs, word processing, spreadsheet, and a wide variety of database programs. It is the obligation of each patron to use the services efficiently and with due consideration of others. Patrons are expected to refrain from monopolizing computer time or using library identification numbers assigned to others.

Electronic resources may be used only for legal activities. Illegal or unacceptable purposes include, but are not limited to, the following: (I) actions that violate local, state, or federal law; (2) damage to equipment, software, or data belonging to the Library; (3) unauthorized use of copyright protected material; (4) harassment, libeling or slandering of other users; (5) accessing material that would be considered pornographic, obscene or sexually explicit by local community standards; (6) hacking into the library computer system or any other computer system.

Appropriate action will be taken for anyone found abusing or misusing electronic resources. Action may include cancellation of electronic privileges, suspension of library privileges and possible prosecution.

Internet Use and Safety

In compliance with Federal Law, Internet Access on all public access computers is filtered.

Internet access is provided as an educational resource to make timely information available. The Internet is an unregulated global electronic network, a dynamic medium that is not governed by any entity. Because there are no controls on what may be published on the Internet, users are warned that some sites may contain information that is inaccurate, out-of-date, or may be considered personally offensive or obscene by local community standards. SOLS assumes no responsibility for accuracy or content of materials accessed through the Internet. The user needs to be a good information consumer, questioning the validity and accuracy of information found.

Users should also be aware that the Internet is not a secure medium, and that third parties may be able to obtain information regarding users’ activities. Individuals (especially minors) are strongly discouraged from disclosing personal identification information while using any form of direct electronic communication.

SOLS is sensitive to the responsibility of parents for their children. The Library does not presume to act, but supports the role of parents in making decisions regarding their children. For this reason, parents and/or legal guardians are required to sit with their minor children (unmarried and under the age of I 8) as they use the Internet, OR give written permission (witnessed by a SOLS employee) for them to use it without their supervision. Parents who prefer to supervise their children’s use of the Internet are encouraged to do so. If at any time, library personnel or parents believe a minor is not using the library’s Internet access responsibly, the parent(s) will be required to monitor the child’s access.

SOLS Internet users must be a current registered borrower in good standing*. Parent or legal guardian of JUV Internet user must give written permission for the minor to have Internet access without supervision. Use of Library computers is a privilege. Failure to comply with current policies and guidelines will result in suspension and/or cancellation of computer privileges. The Library Director in concert with Library Board of Trustees will determine what is inappropriate use and their decision will be final. For nonresident / guest privileges, check Guidelines on reverse side.

*“good standing” means no overdue materials or charges / fees on their account.


  • Library staff will not take phone reservations. To ensure equity of access for patrons the following regulations, based on library operating hours, apply to all public access computers:
  • System Headquarters / Champion Public Library. Patrons may use the computers for one hour at a time on a firstcome, first-served basis. If no one is waiting, patrons may continue but must relinquish the computer whenever asked to do so by library staff. Patrons are limited to two hours of computer use per day. Management and supervisory staff have discretionary powers to make exceptions as deemed prudent for patrons using electronic resources for educational purposes or professional development and/or research.
  • SOLS Branches. Patrons may use the computers for thirty minutes at a time on a first-come, first-served basis. If no one is waiting, patrons may continue up to an additional thirty minutes, but must relinquish the computer whenever asked to do so by library staff. Branches have, with administrative approval, the discretion to institute rules as needed to ensure fair and reasonable use of electronic resources.
  • Patrons gain access by using their valid library card to log on to public access / Internet computers.
  • Only the person who has signed up to use the Internet computer may sit at the terminal. Exceptions include, but are not limited to, parents who supervise minor children, spouses and library related classes.
  • Any patron who consistently ignores or goes over their allotted time may be denied future computer use or may have their computer time severely limited,
  • Individuals (especially minors) should not disclose personal identification information while using e-mail, chat rooms and other forms of direct electronic communication. Observation of such behavior by a minor will result in a verbal warning to the minor and/or parent. Failure to comply with warnings will result in suspension of Internet privileges.

Staff Assistance. Staff is available to provide limited assistance and general directions for basic start up procedures. Because of the many computer and Internet applications, Library staff may not always be familiar with some specific programs. The patron is responsible for learning how to use these programs. The Library cannot provide in-depth Internet or computer training during regular hours. Private computer tutoring is available by appointment.

SOLS does not provide individual e-mail accounts. However, users may access individual e-mail accounts provided by a commercial Internet provider or by a web-based provider such as Yahoo or Google.

All SOLS computers are equipped with USB ports. Patrons may download personal data to a flash drive. The library is not responsible for any loss or damage to a patron’s storage device when downloading, or for any loss of data or damage that may occur from a patron’s use of the library’s computers. Use of personal software programs are not allowed on any library computers.

Printing. Black & white printed pages are $0.20 per page, Color printed pages are $1.00 for each page printed at locations having color capability.

Non-Resident Guest Privileges are available to those visiting SOLS Communities for pleasure or work on a temporary basis in compliance with SOLS’ policies and guidelines.

If users experience any problems with the computer or programs, they should notify SOLS staff immediately.

Guidelines may hereafter be revised as necessary subject to the Library Director’s approval.

Revised 9/26/2016